Why Do I Blog and What Made Me Start?

Hello everyone! Happy Tuesday!

I have made a commitment to get at least two blogs out a week and although this one is a couple hours late, I'm getting it done guys! Gotta start somewhere right?

Today, I want to talk about a topic I get asked a lot! Especially from people who do not blog and are unfamiliar with blogging. About a month and a half ago, my blog turned three years old and I honestly couldn't believe that I have been in this little virtual space for three years now. Although I have come a long way, there's still so many visions I have for Through Jam's Eyes and where it can go. Each year (and even every couple of months) I find myself reflecting on this topic which is:

Why Do I Blog, and What Made Me Start Blogging?

Let me start this off by saying I truly feel this is important to talk about for a couple of reasons:

1. Some people really want to understand in order to support you.
2. It's important to remind yourself of why you're passionate about the things you're passionate about when times of "burnout" come about.
3. People who are interested in starting a blog might need to know if their heart is in the right place before starting.

First, let's tackle why I started blogging in the first place. The number one reason why I started blogging was because I have a love of connecting with people, and I felt I could reach more people through this blog. This was my reason before I even tried narrowing down a niche. I wasn't thinking about the money nor was I thinking about collaborating with brands (this came later), but I just wanted to write and connect with people. After this initial thought, that was when the research started. Eventually, I decided that I wanted to focus on style and lifestyle because those two things allowed me to share my love of fashion and my love of helping others through my lifestyle posts. I discovered that through these niches, I would have the opportunity to collaborate with brands and the potential to make money! Please note; those things are added bonuses and not the sole reasons for blogging and if you go into it with the sole purpose of making money, you will lose interest very quickly because it is a slow and steady process.

I'll admit, sometimes it is hard to come up with interesting content to share with you guys and I get demotivated more times than I'd like to admit, however, I have never lost my love for this blogging game! Anytime I sit down and start writing like I am right now, I feel so good and happy! This is truly my happy place here talking to you guys and I appreciate those of you who read these posts. :)

Now, I'm going to share Six Reasons Why I Keep Blogging:

1. Blogging Pushes Me to Stay Disciplined
 Blogging is HARD WORK y'all. It is not just pictures and likes. You have to plan out your posts and content and it is challenging to come up with ideas sometimes. Also, it is important to stay consistent and although I have been doing a horrible job as of late (I'm working on it guys!), I feel a constant push to stay disciplined. Just like right now! I told myself I would have a blog post out today and I am disciplining myself to get it done by any means necessary and when I hit publish, it's going to feel great!

2. Blogging Allows Me to Connect With All Different Types of People
I love how many amazingly different people I have met through this blogging world! From other bloggers to readers, you guys are a constant motivator for me to keep going. When I see another blogger succeeding, it gives me so much happiness and the idea that hey, if they can do it, so can I! We all need a little of that in our lives. When a reader approaches me to let me know that they follow my blog and really like it, I am so inspired to keep going. I love meeting new people and this platform has blessed me with that!

3. My Confidence Has Increased
I've always been somewhat of a confident person, but we all have flaws and insecurities. Having to push myself beyond my comfort zone helps me to gain even more confidence in myself. I have started to take risks with my writing, with my style and fashion choices, and it has trickled over into my every day life as well. Blogging has taught me that if I don't believe in myself, no one else will either so it starts right here with me. Confidence breeds success and don't we all want to be successful? I know I do! :)

4. I Have Become A Better/More Effective Thinker
Writing for my blog has challenged me to think outside the box. There's no easy way out when it comes to this blogging game. The blogging world is so large, so it is easy to blend in and become like everyone else. In order to stand out, you have to really think and BE YOURSELF... because everyone else is taken.

5. The Blogging World is Constantly Changing
I LOVE that things in the blogging world are constantly changing because it keeps me on my toes! I don't think I could ever get bored with the idea of blogging because there's so many changes and so many different things to talk about. As I grow and evolve, my blog does the same thing and I truly think it is beautiful. When I look back on some of my first posts from my first year of blogging (like this one) I get excited because I know things have changed a lot since then, and they will continue to change. Change is inevitable; you choose how will you respond to it.

6. This is My Free Space to Express and Share My Life With You
This should have been number one, but oh well! This is MY SPACE! I can say, do, and be whoever I want to be and that alone is so freeing! In a world where social media pressures us all to be a certain way or act a certain way, I don't put my blog in that category. I look at this like an organized diary that I openly share with the world.. but that's just it! A diary is my own thoughts and feelings and if you like it, great! If you don't, that's okay too.

So there we have it guys! I feel so inspired and refreshed just by writing this post! If you are interested in starting a blog, or you have one and just needed a little pick me up, I hope this helped you today. xo

Thank you so much for reading!


  1. All so true! I love the connections that have come from blogging, and I definitely feel that I push myself in the creative department much more than I used to since starting my blog!

    xx, Danielle | www.pineappleandprosecco.com

  2. I agree with all of these!! It definitely makes you disciplined and I love the connections it brings!


  3. Those are all such good reasons. I have been blogging for over a decade. I don't know why I do, except now it has just become part of my life :)

    ❥ tanvii.com

  4. Aw love this post, such a great idea. I think connecting with people is one of my favorite things about blogging! Some of my best friends now are girls I met through blogging.

    xx Mollie

  5. Great post! I love connecting with people through blogging too, and it's so true how the industry just keeps evolving!!


  6. I can totally agree with become a better and more effective/efficient thinker! Blogging definitely takes me out of my comfort zone to create unique and fresh content.

    -xo, Azanique | www.lotsofsass.com

  7. I like that you started blogging to connect with people. Definitely not something many people start blogging for. and I love love love that it has helped improve your confidence! Yeahh girl!! <3

  8. Anonymous7/19/2018

    I agree that blogging keeps you disciplined!! If I'm not busy, I get pretty lazy! Blogging is definitely my favorite time consumer!

    How 2 Wear It [] http://how2wearit.com

  9. Totally agree with this! There are so many great reasons to blog- including being able to meet and connect with like-minded individuals!

  10. I love hearing why people blog! I love that you get to meet so many people from it and that you get to have your own creative space.


  11. Love this!! I agree with EVERYTHING!!!!

  12. Totally agree with these! It’s great to have my own space where I can share, and it’s been awesome to connct with people I wouldn’t have otherwise. It sure is a lot more work than peopl think lol.
    xx | www.stylebybelle.com


Any comments you share with me are very much appreciated and I do my best to respond to each of you. I love feedback in all forms. Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback and love with me. xo

Through Jam's Eyes