Six Lessons I Learned Traveling Abroad

Happy Hump Day!!

I can't believe we are already in the month of May. This year is just whisking on by. I'm so happy that we finally have consistent warm weather! Anyway, I'm super excited about today's blog post. As you guys may know, my husband and I traveled to Europe last month (London and Ireland) and wow, I feel like my life has changed. If you're like me, when you're preparing for a big trip, you probably scan social media and the internet for lots of ideas of things to do, places to see, etc. Before even stepping on the plane here in Nashville, I had already learned some of the basics of survival in Europe. Thank God for the internet!

I was prepared for the "tourist" lessons way before I got there, but I really wasn't prepared for the life lessons I was going to walk away with. Let me tell you though, I am SO grateful for them. I'm so obsessed with travel at this point that it is driving my husband crazy! I've been talking about new places I want to visit like every single day. I'm sure those of you who have been to Europe or other places abroad you would totally agree with me. Anyway, I will be posting a London travel guide and an Ireland travel guide here soon, but for now, I wanted to share six of the amazing things I learned while traveling abroad.

Rain Stops Nothing
It rained literally every day we were in London and half the days we were in Ireland. Back home, if it is raining, my life literally stops. I don't want to go do anything, I just want to lay around all day long. For what? There's so much beauty in a rainy day! Had I embodied the same attitude in London that I have back home, we would have wasted our trip. We embraced the rain and still had an AMAZING time.

Be Open To New Opportunities In Life
I have to be honest here; I was so excited about traveling to Europe for the first time, but I was also SO nervous! That small little scared girl inside of me was almost crazy enough to not want to go, can you believe that?! Had I acted on that fear, I would have missed out on one of the most life changing opportunities I've ever had. It's okay to be afraid as long as we don't let it hold us back.

It's Okay To Act On Curiosity
Being curious is how we learn new things! Being in another country sparked so many questions inside of me. I wanted to know about their culture, the food they eat, the language they speak. In Europe, the people are more similar to us than we might think, but they still have their distinct differences that are cool to learn about. I believe we all should have a certain hunger for knowledge that'll lead us to places we have never known, and being curious gets us there.

Be In The Moment
This is a lesson I should have learned a long time ago, as my amazing Aunt Vickie so elegantly told us often. It wasn't until I sat with our amazing host family for dinner in Ireland that this concept really stuck with me. In America, we constantly have a million things pulling us in different directions and it's easy to get lost. We forget to stop and really be in the moment we are in. Going out to dinner, hanging out with friends, talking to our significant other, being with family.. whatever your moment is, make sure that you commit to it and fully embrace it. Time is so precious.

Have Patience
Everyone I met in Europe was so gentle and kind. No one ever really seemed to be in such a hurry that they were rude to you or shoving past you. Sure, London was full of busy people shuffling on and off the Tube, but I never felt the way I feel on a New York subway system. It doesn't take much for us to be patient with one another, but the world has taught us otherwise.

 Count Your Blessings/Appreciate Simplicity
When you're used to a certain routine every day, it's easy to lose sight of how blessed we actually are. We get caught up in knowing we have a Starbucks right here.. and if that line is long, just drive a couple blocks and there's another right there. We have stores on every corner, the food we love at our grasp, technology, etc. So many things we often take for granted. London is a very developed country, but Killarney, Ireland has a certain simpleness to it that was so eye-opening to me. They know how to do a lot with a little and they are some of the most positive and happy people I have ever met.


So those are the top six things I learned while visiting Europe! Have you traveled to another country? What are some things you took away with you? I'd love it if you shared with me! :)

Thanks so much for reading! xo


  1. Your trip abroad sounds so fun! Ireland is on my bucket list for this year. I need a guide ASAP! : )

    Megan |

  2. I love all of these lessons so much! travel has really opened my eyes to new opportunities!

  3. Act on curiosity is great advice and so true! You never know where it will lead you!

  4. staying in the moment while you travel is so important! great lessons!

  5. get travel advice, new places can be hard!


  6. This was awesome Jamaria! I’ve definitely got to get to Europe soon! And thanks for all the pics while you were there!!

  7. It rained a ton while we were in London too and you're so right, it can't stop you from living and exploring!

  8. Such great tips!! I've never had the opportunity to really travel abroad but hope to some day!! xo

  9. If there is one thing I remember from London, it was the rain. Great advice, thank you!
    Sarah Lindner

  10. Love this post! And be in the moment is so important! Especially when you are getting to know other places and a new culture! These are all great tips!

  11. I’m actually visiting Italy right now, so I loved reading this post and 100% agree with you! xo

  12. Nice outfit! I love it!!

  13. These are such amazing life lessons. Patience is everything and it is so easy to forget to live in the moment. Love this post!


  14. I love that the rain didn't stop you! Just need to adjust to the weather! Patience is one thing sometimes we lack but taking a living in the moment mindset is best for traveling!


Any comments you share with me are very much appreciated and I do my best to respond to each of you. I love feedback in all forms. Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback and love with me. xo

Through Jam's Eyes