Hey lovelies!
I'm sure you're wondering why I just posted this throwback picture from this post. Well, I will tell you!
I can hardly contain my excitement right now. You want to know why?! Because the NSale starts TOMORROW! WOOT!
Well, it starts tomorrow for Nordstrom card holders and then it opens to the public on July 22nd! Even if you can't shop the sale tomorrow, you can preview all of the amazing items and make a list of what you want to buy on the 22nd! I know a lot of you might not be familiar with the NSale, so I'm here to tell you all about it. Oh by the way, this post is NOT sponsored. I just love this sale and I want to share it with anyone who cares! :)
So first things first...
So what is the Nsale?
The Nordstrom Anniversary Sale is seriously one of the biggest sales of the year! It's when Nordstrom puts out the newest fall merchandise at SUPER LOW PRICES! Y'all know how most places put new stuff out and then after a few months, mark it down? Well this sale is the opposite of that! They mark it down for a limited time and then the prices go back up on August 7th.
Why Should I Shop This Sale?
You should shop this sale because FALL IS COMING! You're going to want all this stuff as soon as it gets a little cooler outside, so why not go ahead and get them at super good prices?! I use this opportunity to buy most of my fall/winter staples that can be mix and matched with everything.
My advice to you, take a look at the catalog that is already posted on Nordstrom's website to get an idea of what they have and then if you can't shop tomorrow, go look at everything and put together a wish list! The good stuff sells out super fast, so make sure to get your favorites first! I'm looking forward to snagging a couple more of the tunics like the one I have posted above in some different colors. They are so comfortable and literally go with EVERYTHING.
Once the sale starts, be looking out for a blog post with some of my wish list items from the sale. Oh, I got these boots during the sale last year and I love them!
Alright you guys, there you have it! Thanks so much for reading and happy shopping! XOXO
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