guys! I'm TWENTY-FIVE today!!! I feel like I should still be like 16 or
something because I am such a kid at heart haha, but I am indeed 25
now. Bittersweet! Not only is today my birthday, but it is also my one
year blogaversary! I seriously can't believe 'Through Jam's Eyes' has
been live for a year now. It has been an AMAZING ride and I have been
enjoying every minute of it. So many great things are happening for TJE,
and I can't wait to see what else is in store this year!
honor of this joyous occasion, and because I am in LOVE with giving, I
will be doing a GIVEAWAY for all of you amazing readers! Stay tuned for
details on the giveaway TOMORROW here on TJE.
not going to do a lot of writing today because IT IS my birthday, but I
promise to update you guys soon on everything I do today AND this
weekend to celebrate! For now, I thought I would some of the pictures
from my birthday shoot! Guys, I had SO much fun with this photo shoot!
It was really hard to pick and choose a couple pictures to post on here
because I had over 400. I hope you enjoy! OH! And Don't forget to be
performing your "Random Acts of Kindness" today! #RAKforJAM
Thanks for reading and being amazing supporters! I promise this year will be even better than the last! XOXO
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