My birthday dress from Kate Spade NY |
Heeeeyyy beauties! Happy Monday to you all!
It is OFFICIALLY the first day of summer. Although it has already felt like summer for the past couple weeks, it's cool to know that we are in the 'summer summer summer time' now. haha
So, I promised that I would share details of my "Jay Day" Weekend with you guys so I will not break my promise. My birthday weekend was seriously one for the books and I will never ever forget it! Once again, I want to thank everyone who came and celebrated with me. I know I can be super extra at times when it comes to my birthday (or any holiday for that matter), but my friends always tolerate me and come out and I'll always appreciate you guys for that! :)
Anyway, I don't really want to do a whole lot of typing because once I start, I know I can be SUPER long winded, especially because my birthday weekend was so amazing. So, without further ado, I am going to share lots and lots of pictures, most of them with descriptions letting you guys know what was going on. After all, pictures speak a thousand words. Hope you enjoy! xo
This first phase of pictures will be from my birthday dinner on my actual birthday.
My cake from my sweet hubby made by Homestyle Bakery. It was soooo good! |
My Mom made me this 'money cake' and I haven't touched the money yet! It's too precious! |
Here's a closer look at it!
Friends! :) |
Family! |
My Emmy pooh! |
I love Jasmine! |
Cherise boo! xo |
I love these girls!<3 br="" girls="" these="">3> |
Bestie since the 7th grade! |
I love my twin! |
My Mom is the best ever. |
Sebastian & Britne; love them both! |
My best friend/hubby/other half. He makes me so happy all the time. |
Now let me just take a second and talk about my sweet husband. He planned for a chef to come in and cook breakfast for us one morning and I was blown away! Shout out to Spice Geek for coming over and cooking us some DELICIOUS food! If y'all are interested in his services, please let me know in the comments below and I will hook y'all up!
My beautiful roses my hubby gave me |
Our breakfast, compliments of 'Spice Geek'. It was SO GOOD! |
How cute was this carved watermelon?! |
I went to Dave & Busters and to Saint Anejo and Buscuit Love for brunch with friends. I can't say enough how much fun I had.
Birthday girl! |
My Sam Bam! |
Stacia! xo |
These people are the best. |
Bre'on and Stacia xo |
Great ending to a great weekend with great people! |
This was so good! |
I have SO MANY MORE pictures, but I don't want to overwhelm you guys or post too many pics, so I'll just stop now! Bottom line is, I had a great time. It really doesn't take much to make me happy. All I ever want to do is celebrate special times with those that make me laugh and bring me joy. That's exactly what I did the entire weekend and I couldn't ask for more.
Thanks so much for reading! xo
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