Jumpsuit: Lulu's | Fur Jacket: Forever21 | Shoes: Christian Louboutin | Lips: MAC Ruby Woo
I can't believe it is a new year. I don't know if it has actually hit me yet, which I feel could be a good thing. Nothing feels different. I felt amazing in 2016, and I feel amazing now that it is 2017. I'm just really excited about all I have planned and I can't wait to see it all manifest.
My husband and I haven't had a chance to make our vision boards yet due to us being on vacation, but we will make those before the week is over and I'll be sure to share with you guys once they are finished. We have, however, made our list of goals for the new year and I couldn't be more happy with how align we are with our goals and ambitions. We have such an amazing balance that I couldn't imagine sharing life with anyone else.
Have you guys set your goals for 2017? They could be as big or as small as you want them to be, but seeing them written down on paper will help you see your vision in a new light. Then, if you feel so inclined, just go ahead and set some time to create a vision board too. Make sure to let me know how it works out for you! :)
I know this will be a great year for us. I feel refreshed, renewed, and ready to take on any and every challenge that comes my way! I hope you all are just as excited as I am.
Thank you for reading! xo
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