Spring Sweaters & Wedges

Sweater: H&M, Jeans: Joe's Jeans, Wedges: Shi by Journeys, Necklace: Eve's Addiction, Watch & Arm Candy: Charming Charlie, Purse: Louis Vuitton


It feels so good to be back in my happy place. :) 

It's Thursday and I can't believe it is the LAST day of March! Time is definitely flying, but I'm excited because it has actually started to feel like spring! This past weekend, I actually went ahead and switched all of my clothes from winter to spring/summer and I was a little concerned that I would struggle to find things to wear because I seriously thought it was going to stay cold! So just imagine my excitement when I saw the weather forecast saying 70's and high 60's all week! WOO HOO!

I did however, leave a few spring time sweaters in my closet for cool nights like last night. My husband and I went to Maggiano's to celebrate our friend Britne's birthday and I wanted to wear something that was casual, but cute, and something that did not require me to wear a jacket. This pale pink sweater from H&M was perfect! It's warm, but not too thick to where I am hot and it is so soft and comfortable! I chose to pair it with my ripped Joe's Jeans and brown wedges, which both of these items are truly some staples in my closet (seriously, get you some joe's jeans... so soft and stretchy), and I wore one of my favorite monogrammed necklaces from Eve's Addiction.

I'm so happy that tomorrow is Friday! I'm looking forward to an amazing weekend for many different reasons, but you'll get more details on that later! :)

Thanks for reading guys! XOXO


  1. You're adorable and I love your style!

  2. Anonymous8/01/2017

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Through Jam's Eyes