Cozy Yellow Cardigan

 Cardigan: Charming Charlie (old), Hat: Charming Charlie, Boots: Steve Madden, Leggings: Zella

Hey ya'll! HAPPY MONDAY! :)

I hope you all had a great weekend and you stayed warm! Here in Nashville, the temperature definitely dropped this weekend and I was dressing warmer! Gosh, I love Fall! Because when I step out of my house I'm always like "Geez, it's cold out here", but once I get into the street, the sun is shining bright and it balances the cool air perfectly.

One of my favorite things about this blog is finding different places to take the pictures. It allows my husband and I to explore our neighborhood and the city! When we took these pictures, we found a really cool railroad track that I hope to take pictures on one of these days! He was telling me that it was an active track and I was like that's okay! When we hear the train coming we will start running! (haha that rhymes right?!) :)

Anyway, this is one of my all-time favorite cardigans I bought last year at Charming Charlie. Not only is it really comfortable, but it has hints of yellow which is my all-time favorite color! I love how the sleeves are black, which makes it sort of look like a vest. Y'all already know how much I love my hats, so I don't even have to explain that one!

Thanks for reading beauties! XOXO

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Through Jam's Eyes