Only 21 days until FALL!!! EEK! I literally cannot wait! My boots, scarves, leggings, and sweaters are calling my name! I am trying to hold out on wearing some of my favorite things so I won't have a heat stroke, but I am seriously ready to break out some of my favorite cardigans!
I've picked out some fall items I have had my eye on for a little while now. I have been trying a new thing where I window shop a lot. I will window shop and save items that I really like to a wish list or the cart. If I find that I can't take my mind off of it for a couple days or a week, then I'll probably end up buying it. That way, I will feel better about all the shopping I do! :) I have to start somewhere you guys! I tried doing a no shopping challenge and failed! I'm not just not ready for that. So for now, I will just try to buy more responsibly.
Tell me guys, how do you control your shopping? Am I the only one who has a problem? What are some of your favorite fall pieces? Let me know in the comments below!
Thanks for reading! XOXO
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