Always Eat After 7pm | Meet the Author!

This post is sponsored by “Always Eat After 7pm”. The opinions are my own.


A little over a week ago here on the blog, I shared that I was super excited about reading Always Eat After 7 PM: The Revolutionary Rule-Breaking Diet That Lets You Enjoy Huge Dinners, Desserts, and Indulgent Snacks—While Burning Fat Overnight by Joel Marion and getting the results I’ve always wanted with eating a more balanced diet that works for my lifestyle. You can read a little more about that here. I chose to utilize the opportunity to read this book because I really sick of feeling tired and sluggish all of the time, not to mention eating the wrong things to fulfill my desire to snack in the evenings. I am LOVING that this book helps me to not feel guilty for choosing to eat late in the evening. Joel even said, “Late-night eating [also] curbs calorie intake the next day. In a four-week study, dieters added a snack to their daily regimen 90 minutes after dinner every night, and check this out: late-night eaters ate an average of 397 fewer calories per day.” Y’all, studies and numbers do not lie, and I am loving this so far!


In case you didn’t read my first post, let me just give you a direct quote from the book that pretty much sums up what it is all about. It says, “Always Eat After 7 pm is a three-phase program that teaches you how to lose big by strategically eating big when you are naturally hungriest—in the evening. This may sound too good to be true but let me assure you it is no gimmick. It’s all about making strategic and smart food swaps, and you can still eat your favorite foods.” So, if you’re anything like me and enjoy eating in the evenings, I’m sure this is for you. Want to know a little bit more about the author? I’ve got you covered my friend! Bestselling author, Joel Marion, is a fitness expert and nutritionist debunking the myths underlying traditional dieting and offers a simple, highly effective weight loss program and here’s a few questions he answered for us today.

What inspired you to write the book?

J. Marion: After authoring 6 best-selling books it was glaringly obvious there were 2 huge misconceptions about dieting that needed to be exposed. The first is that you can't eat late at night or before bed, which science now shows is NOT true. And second, you can't eat large portions that satisfy your natural instinct. This book solves both these problems by providing an evidence-based, enjoyable approach to dieting that can be used by any person to quickly achieve their weight loss goals.

How long did it take for you to develop the diet?

J. Marion: It actually took several years of researching for me to discover the real science of eating late night. After a few years of tweaking and refining, I finally came up with a rapid fat loss solution that overcomes all the pitfalls of traditional diets.

How difficult is the Always Eat After 7 PM plan to follow?

J. Marion: It's not. And that's exactly why I wrote the book. While any diet is never truly easy, it can be more enjoyable and much easier to adhere to when you understand how Always Eat After 7pm works because it caters to our bodies natural instincts.

Are you convinced yet? Let me tell you, this book just gets better and better and so far, so good. Learn more about the book and how to purchase here.


Always Eat After 7 PM: The Revolutionary Rule-Breaking Diet That Lets You Enjoy Huge Dinners, Desserts, and Indulgent Snacks—While Burning Fat Overnight by Joel Marion is now available to purchase.


  1. Hmm this is interesting, I have always heard the opposite in terms of not eating after about 8pm! thanks for sharing all of this info

  2. I've seen a few bloggers talking about this and it seems really interesting. I need to check it out!!

  3. I read your original post so it was great to read this follow up & what the author had to share. I like the idea of eating strategically. Thanks for sharing this!

  4. How interesting! I need to check this out because I have always heard the opposite! I'm not a huge eater in the evening anyway as we eat our dinner so early but I do love snacking!!

  5. i've heard so many good things about this book! definitely need to check it out!

    cute & little

  6. Really?! I have always heard the complete opposite! Definitely going to need to check this out. Game-changing.


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Through Jam's Eyes